ART+INN (Coordinator)

ART+INN is a non-profit organisation, based in Vilnius, Lithuania, that unites enthusiastic and well-experienced professionals who believe in the great importance of ART and SCIENCE collaboration.
ART+INN goals are:
– to promote entrepreneurship through creative and innovative thinking implementation among all target groups, especially ones requiring specific encouragement and empowerment.
– to provide non-formal education using the most innovative techniques, such as gamification, AI, micro-learning, video-based learning, and others.
– to spread the ideas of lifelong learning, development of new competencies (values, skills, knowledge), and European values.
– to promote sustainable thinking and ensure health and well-being for all.
– to enhance citizen participation in innovative and inclusive forms, as well as the use of existing structures, to bring European citizens closer to the EU.


Casa do Professor (as “Teacher’s home”) is a social solidarity association, founded on 14th February 1979, with public utility status since 1999. The values and guiding principles of the institution’s action are:
Humanization: respecting diversity in the service delivery process, providing differentiated, supportive and responsible relationships;
Dignification: to enable associates/clients with tools that allow their development, respecting their individual values;
Integrity: honesty and personal loyalty in the service of the public interest, represented as a guarantee of truthfulness and trust in the work done;
Innovation: continuously exploring new ideas, processes and solutions;
Excellence: to act in the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the interested parties and in the continuous improvement of the processes and the results.

CESRAM (Partner)

CESRAM was established in 2012 as a Study Center that promotes the study and research in the field of Public History.
The Center develops public history projects at local (Puglia region), national (Italy) and international levels. CESRAM has set out to become a center of excellence, which collects and transmits those values that only passionate
study and free research they can ensure that it maintains a high level of scientific debate and comparison, and that it continues to open its doors to young people, encouraging them to give their best and to publish the results of their research.The activities are concentrated in some specific sectors:
– School workshops of public history on topics of local, national and international history;
– Public history workshops in collaboration with academic institutions and scholars addressed to school teachers, scholars,
amateurs, local authorities and active citizens;
– Bottom-up study projects through the collection and digitisation of unpublished sources;
– Scientific publications, both pedagogical and thematic;
– Since 2018 Cesram has been the organiser of the International Festival of Public History;
– European Historical Digital Maps through the creation of an innovative and digital platform.

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